Run your own race
When you look around at the coworking industry, coworking spaces are doing largely the same things right now.
Everyone is looking around, seeing what others are doing, then trying out the same things.
And that’s not necessarily a bad thing—you can get lots of great ideas this way. Your members have no idea what others are doing. To them, your ideas are original.
But the problem with simply following the best of what other coworking spaces are doing is that it’s not always the best fit for your unique situation.
The way you bring your community online, for example, will vary drastically from how other spaces are doing it. The DNA of your members are simply very different.
So my advice today is this: look inward for ideas.
What does your intuition tell you to do right now? What do you think your members need most right now? What can you offer that is completely original to you and your situation?
It’s fine to look at the coworking industry to pull the best ideas and do them yourself. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel for everything you do (nor should you).
But the best marketing, the best ideas, the best innovations come from within you and are based on knowing your members deeply at an intuitive level.
If you look too much at what others are doing, you stifle your inner vision. You lose your creative juices.
I’m the last person in the world to get “woo-woo” on you. There’s enough of that out there. I just think too few people listen to their gut about what’s right for them.
So trust yourself to come up with innovative and interesting ways to serve your audience. Do things your way. Get excited about what you’re doing.
And that’s what makes you a leader, not a commodity, which is what will help you succeed most right now.