Ask these two simple questions to new members
Do you have a hard time articulating why people should sign up for your space vs. the competition?
If you do (and even if you don’t) I recommend adding a simple question into your onboarding process.
Ask new members this question:
Why did you choose [your coworking space]?
This will tell you why they signed up. It’s the perceived features and benefits of your space that they value the most.
Four to six months later, ask them another question:
What do you value most about being a member at [your coworking space]?
The first question will tell you people’s PERCEIVED benefits of your space. It shows the tipping point moment between them considering your space and actually signing up.
This—of course—is what good marketing copy makes.
The second question tells you the ACTUAL value of your coworking space. It’s the value you actually deliver to your members over a longer period of time.
Often these things will be subjective and intangible, but that’s okay. Look for ways to incorporate both the perceived and actual benefits into your marketing.
Sometimes you need outside perspective to tell you your true value. After all, it’s hard to read the label from inside the bottle.
It’s knowing your actual value (according to the people who pay for it) that will allow you to market your space most effectively.
Speaking of which – I recommend joining Everspaces Nation – a place where serious coworking space owners can get answers from me about all things marketing, plus additional input from other operators experiencing similar situations.
It will help you read the label on the outside of your bottle, among other important things.